Services Provided: Consumer Attitude and Behavior Studies, Industry Benchmarking Studies and Employee Development Consulting
“Market Research by its very nature is one of the biggest benefits an Association like AFS can provide to its members. Understanding the right questions to ask is an essential part of our value proposition, while obtaining the data, deconstructing its message, and presenting the information in a clear and concise matter is essential for our members to grow their businesses.
What Steve and Mark brought to the table was an overwhelming amount of insight, coupled with a passion to deliver results. From the first phone call, it was evident both understood the importance of the research we were providing and worked with us through the end to develop the right strategy.
Their analysis of the data was always met with an open mindedness and in the end, we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. We will absolutely utilize their services again in the near future.”
Joshua A. Leve
Founder & CEO
Association of Fitness studios