ClubIntel’s Co-Founder Mark Williamson is among an impressive line-up of guest speakers at canfitpro’s World Fitness Expo August 10/11, 2018 in Toronto, Canada
ClubIntel C-Founder, Mark Williamson, has been invited to speak at the canfitpro World Fitness Expo on August 10 and 11, 2018 in Toronto, Canada. Mark will be presenting on two topics; key insights on generational marketing and fitness industry trends. This will be the 25th anniversary for the event.
Published: April 26, 2018
ClubIntel Co-founder Stephen Tharrett Presenting at Europe Active CEO Forum June 24 to June 26, 2018 in New York
ClubIntel co-founder, Stephen Tharrett, has been asked to present two talks at the upcoming Europe Active gathering of European club company CEOs in New York. From June 24th to June 26th, as part of its 10th Anniversary celebrations, Europe Active will be conducting a retreat for the leading European club company CEOs. Stephen will be giving two presentations, one pertaining to the 4th Industrial Revolution and another to the State of the U.S. club industry.
Published: April 25, 2018
Stephen Tharrett, ClubIntel Co-Founder, Authors Chapter on Organizational Culture that Appeared in the Recently Released Europe Active Book Human Capital in the Fitness and Active Leisure Sector
Stephen Tharrett, ClubIntel co-founder, authored a chapter on Organizational Culture that appeared in the recently released Europe Active Book entitled “Human Capital in the Fitness and Active Leisure Sector”. The chapter, entitled, Organizational Culture: The Soul of the Organization, brings forward the key role organizational culture plays in empowering and engaging the human capital of every organization.
Published: April 23, 2018
ClubIntel Co-founder Stephen Tharrett Chosen to Speak at CSFA Regional Event in Houston, Texas May 11th
ClubIntel Co-founder Stephen Tharrett will be presenting at the regional CSFA event being held Friday, May 11th at River Oaks CC in Houston, TX. Stephen will be presenting a workshop on building a differentiated value proposition along with a session on the Perils and Promises of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the Club Industry
Published: April 17, 2018
ClubIntel Co-Founder Stephen Tharrett Doing Book Signing at IHRSA on Wednesday, March 21 at 3 p.m.
ClubIntel co-founder Stephen Tharrett, will be doing a book signing at the IHRSA Bookstore on Wednesday, March 21st at 3 p.m. He will be signing copies of his recently released book, Fitness Management, 4th Edition. At over 650 pages, the book is the most comprehensive text in the industry on the business of fitness. It’s earlier versions have served as the primary course textbook at over 40 colleges and universities.
Published: March 12, 2018