CSFA’s Private Club Spa and Fitness Management Resource Manual

This comprehensive resource from the Club Spa and Fitness Association is intended to help enhance the professional development of fitness and spa professionals in the private club sector, as well as serve as a single go-to manual for operating and programming best practices applicable to the private club setting.
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Fitness Management – 3rd-Edition

Fitness industry specialists Stephen Tharrett and James Peterson present an updated edition to the most comprehensive blueprint ever created for developing, leading, managing, and operating a successful health/fitness business. The book’s mixture of business, practical information, and research, and its focus on exceptional customer service throughout the text, make it the definitive book on club management for students, young professionals, and seasoned veterans alike.
Topics include: Membership retention; Business issues; Staffing issues; Facilities and equipment; Operational practices; International market (Asia, Europe, and Latin America); The future of the industry; Case studies.
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