

Data can tell you a lot, but it can’t speak to you. We have the knowledge, instinct and experience to decode the numbers and tell you what your customers, members, employees and market are really saying.

ClubIntel’s Insight Service Menu includes:

Brand Health Studies

In today’s hyper-competitive business environment, a brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is. It is what consumers tell each other it represents. It’s the consumers that define whether a business holds a competitive advantage. Our brand health studies provide club management with clarity on how consumers view their brand in the context of the other brands they compete against. Using a blend of clue scanning, focus group sessions and surveys, we provide clubs with insight into the health of their brand, and more importantly, strategies for creating a unique and relevant value proposition that will give them a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Brand Promise Consulting

A brand is not a logo, not an image and not just a name; it’s a promise constructed on a relevant and differentiated value proposition. Building a competitive advantage that leads to ongoing success requires businesses flush out their brand promise to ensure it offers a platform for thriving in a competitive landscape. We provide services that allow a club, start-up or mature, to explore its value proposition and clarify its attitude, voice, purpose, and ultimately its promise, then message it to the marketplace to create competitive differentiation.

Business Concept Studies

Entrepreneurship is the engine of business growth. Innovative products and business models provide the platform for industry growth and the creation of personal wealth. Successful entrepreneurship requires more than an idea; it requires a deep understanding of the market and whether it can support a particular innovation. We provide entrepreneurs and investors the tools to assess the viability of their innovation. Using a blend of research methods, we measure an innovation’s depth of appeal; its value to the customer; its competitive strengths; its level of differentiation and consumer purchase intent for the innovation. As a result of this in-depth work, we are able to provide entrepreneurs and investors with insight into the market viability of their innovation and strategies for bring it to life.

Business Due Diligence

In a mature industry, such as the club business, where growth and survival are often dependent upon acquisition, consolidation or merger, owners need to understand more than just the financial metrics of a business before proceeding. We offer investors and owners the resources to explore the underlying dynamics of a club business ranging from its operational practices to the sentiments of its members to market perceptions of the business to financial benchmarking.

Consumer Attitude and Behavior Studies

Consumers determine whether a business addresses their needs and lifestyle interests. Understanding consumer attitudes toward fitness experiences, as well as their behaviors, can provide a platform for modeling successful business propositions. Our work with associations, such as The Association of Fitness Studios (AFS) and the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), looking at consumer attitudes and behavior around the fitness facility experience has provided the platform for us to offer similar studies of consumer behavior for associations and club companies.

Employee Experience Surveys and Focus Groups

Research shows that happy and engaged employees are critical to fostering member loyalty and driving business profitability. We offer customized surveys, along with focus group sessions that provide insight into the level of engagement and loyalty among businesses’ employees. Our goal is to provide management with insights and strategies to drive profitability by more effectively engaging employees and creating a happier workforce.

Industry Performance Benchmarking Studies

Understanding the dynamics of an industry provides benchmarks for businesses to assess their own performance, and more importantly, to innovate for future profitability and growth. We have conducted financial and operational benchmarking studies for the Association of Fitness Studios (AFS), Club Spa and Fitness Association (CSFA) and the Association of Club Catering Professionals. We offer these same insightful studies for any industry group wishing to better understand the dynamics of their respective industry segment.

Member Experience Surveys and Focus Groups

Research shows that those businesses that generate the highest levels of customer engagement and loyalty are the same firms that are the most profitable. We assist clubs and related businesses in measuring the member/customer experience using proven approaches such as surveys and focus groups. Our customized surveys measure the topline metrics of member/customer loyalty, but we also examine the emotional and transactional attributes of a club’s offering. Our goal is to provide management with insights and strategies to drive enhanced profitability through the delivery of enriching and memorable member/customer experiences.