Competition – The Cutting Edge of Business
Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, said that competition was the keen cutting edge of business. His interpretation was competition drove businesses to improve their value proposition, enhance their business efficiency, and ultimately, generate temporary business monopolies.
Published: October 26, 2016
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A New Adventure
U.K. publisher, Health Club Management, just released part twoof a two part series authored by ClubIntel on traditional club operators venturing into the boutique fitness studio market. The article, entitled A New Adventure can be read online at: :
Published: September 15, 2016
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Branching Out
Branching Out is the first in a two-part series authored by ClubIntel on behalf of U.K. publisher Health Club Management. The article explores the emerging trend of traditional club operators who have chosen to enter the boutique fitness studio segment. Part One explores the rationale behind the trend then delves into a series of interviews with leading U.K. operators who have made the jump into the fitness studio arena.
Published: August 4, 2016
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Out of the Darkness and into the Light – The Shining Beacon of Market Research
Market research may be one of the most under-valued, underutilized, as well as misunderstood, tools in a club owner’s/manager’s arsenal for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Most industries and business today recognize that without the insights from well-conceived and executed market research, they would be making decisions about their businesses in a vacuum, or as renowned market researcher and founder of AC Nielsen, Arthur Nielson said, “The price of light is less than the cost of darkness.”
Published: July 21, 2016
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A Guide to Leveraging the Power of Great Boutiques
At this year’s 2016 IHRSA International Convention, ClubIntel gave a presentation to a standing room only audience entitled the Power of Boutiques. As a result of the feedback we received, we decided to author an e-Book on the topic entitled a Guide to Leveraging the Power of Boutiques and share the book with our followers.
Published: June 11, 2016
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