Trend Watching May Fuel a Visionary Growth Strategy
In today’s economy, achieving above average growth requires vision and a relentless commitment to understanding global demographic and consumer purchasing trends, accompanied by an obsession for understanding the aspirations, needs and wants of your customers. In this Whitepaper we discuss the global demographic trend of income inequality and how this trend has impacted consumer purchasing behavior, in particular the rapid increase in spending by the top 20% of income earners on luxury experiences.Using this as a lunching pad we discuss the opportunity that exists for club operator’s to create value propositions that appeal to the aspirations and needs of the top 20%, rather then focusing so much effort trying to capture market share by serving the 80% of consumers who only care about price.
Published: February 10, 2014
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The First Step is the Most Important Step to Fostering Member Engagement and Loyalty
According to studies conducted by IHRSA around health club consumer behavior (e.g., IHRSA Trend Report), the leading reason health club members continue using their club is related to enhancing their overall level of well-being and the need to get in shape and remain in shape. In member experience work ClubIntel has conducted for clients, three of the top drivers of member loyalty (highest correlation to member loyalty metrics and NPS) are: has the member achieved at least one of their health/fitness goals since joining, has the club’s programs helped them achieve their goals, and finally, have the club’s instructors been instrumental in helping them achieve their goals. Consequently, in this White Paper we address the topic of new member engagement, a process that provides new members an opportunity to achieve their declared health and fitness goals. Clubs that can create and execute a system that lends immediate and personal support to each new members journey toward enhanced well-being will find themselves generating enhanced levels of member loyalty and membership retention.
Published: January 22, 2014
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How Strong Are Your Club’s Switching Costs?
The objective of any great business is to ascend to a position where they have a sustainable and powerful competitive advantage, or as Warren Buffet exclaimed, “In business I look for economic castles protected by unbreachable moats.” According to experts in economics, management and marketing, one of the most effective strategic tools for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage is to have high customer switching costs. In this White Paper we discuss what customer switching costs are, why its important to have high switching costs and what drives these switching costs in the club industry.
Published: November 4, 2013
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One is a Lonely Number – Especially When it comes to Driving Member Loyalty
This whitepaper brings forth insights to assist club owners and operators make a more informed decision about how to measure member loyalty and consequently the actions they can take to enhance member loyalty, member tenure and member spend.
Published: September 5, 2013
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A Club or A Gym – What Would Your Members Tell You?
In conducting numerous member focus group sessions at health/fitness facilities, one of the more compelling statements we have heard is, “We are a club, not a gym.” This statement, often expressed with passion, has lead us on a journey of discovery, with the final destination being an understanding of the underlying experiences, memories and emotions that define the difference between a club and a gym. What we have discovered is that the difference between a gym and a club is intangible and emotional, and goes well beyond the facilities, equipment, programs and services a health/fitness facility offers its members. In this white paper we share some of the insights we have uncovered in this journey of discovery about the differences between a club and a gym, and how health/fitness facilities can move from being a gym to a club.
Published: April 4, 2013
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