Published: March 9, 2016

Over the course of our last two blog posts, we have discussed the underlying fallacy of the newest budget club buzz phrase, low-price high-value and offered insight to the consumer “value equation” and the six attributes that compose it. In this blog we explore consumers’ value ideology and how it affects their perception of value.
Tags: Consumer Filters, High Value
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Published: March 3, 2016

Robert Heinlein said,
“Value has no meaning other than the relationship to living beings. The value of a thing is always relative to a particular person, is completely personal – different in quantity for each living human—market value is a fiction, merely a rough guess at the average of personal values, all of which must be quantitatively different or trade would be impossible.”
Tags: The Value Equation
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Published: February 23, 2016

The newest “Buzz” phrase in the fitness industry to capture the headlines, while generating headaches for others, is the phrase “High-Value Low-Price.” One might infer from reading the recent media spin that low-price clubs, or as they are also known, budget clubs, are the holy grail of high value in our industry and the answer to attracting the masses who have here for avoided visiting our palaces of exercise.
Tags: Low Price Clubs
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Published: February 22, 2016

We are very excited to announce that our new website is live!
We hope you will check back often, as we will be updating it with our newest Whitepapers and Reports, Videos, Presentations and much more, including our new Blog.
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