

ClubIntel Quoted in Article that Appears in April 26th Edition of Wall Street Journal Article

Published: April 26, 2016

ClubIntel Quoted in Article that Appears in April 26th Edition of Wall Street Journal Article

In a recent article entitled “The New Place to Open a Gym: Inside a Gym” that appears in the April 26th issue of the Wall Street Journal, writer Rachel Bachman quotes ClubIntel co-founder Stephen Tharrett regarding the challenges inherent in Big-Box gyms opening internal studios. To read a PDF of the article, click here, or to read it online, click here.

The article addresses one of the newest trends emerging in traditional health clubs; the creation of boutique fitness studios within the confines of the club. The article states that the trend has emerged as a means for more traditional health clubs to address the competitive challenges and potential loss of market share brought on by the rapidly expanding boutique studio market.