This clip is taken from our video entitled “The Forgotten Element of the Member Loyalty Equation; Employees”. In this segment we discuss what employees say is important to them and how these elements are critical drivers of employee loyalty and employee productivity.
Published: February 5, 2014
Surveys: The Good and Bad
This clip is taken from our video entitled “The Secret to Understanding What Members Want and Need”. In this segment we discuss how clubs can use surveys to listen to members, as well as uncovering their overall experience with the club.
Published: February 5, 2014
Understanding the Employee Experience
This clip is taken from our video entitled “The Forgotten Element of the Member Loyalty Equation; Employees”. In this segment we discuss how important it is to understand the employee experience and the tools that can be used to understand and measure the employee experience.
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"I can’t recommend ClubIntel highly enough to new or existing players in the health club space looking to launch a new concept or expand their existing service offerings. The health club market is maturing with the traditional segment consolidating while new segments are emerging. ClubIntel is uniquely positioned to help anyone understand where the market is going and what segments offer opportunities for profitable growth. After speaking with Steve and Mark, I immediately knew that Mark’s extensive experience in market research, complemented by Steve’s in-depth background and knowledge of the health club space was unique among the various consultants I spoke with and was exactly what I was looking for."
Sandy Ayer
Entrepreneur and Investor
Health Club Industry